Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Outdoor Learning Week

:‘Let nature be the teacher, the children still need a childhood with dirt, mud, puddles, water, sunshine, trees and sticks.’ 

The pre-primary section @ DPS VAPI observed an outdoor activity week where our little depsites participated in an array of muscle-churning outdoor activities.

Why is outdoor play important?? Playing outside allows the child to explore, imagine, create, experience, learn and enjoy. It promotes self-esteem, confidence, attention and involvement. 

The humpties of Pre-nursery had a great time identifying the numbers by water spraying. Games like ‘Bowling glass ally’, ‘Tug of war’, and ‘Team, Let it not drop’, targeted to promote eye-hand coordination, team building, values, and gross and fine motor skills. The children had the freedom to imagine and express themselves while drawing images through water painting on the floor.  

The Dumpties of Nursery had a gala time while they figured out objects designed by the foamy clouds. The fun and thrill were more in water spraying and locating the sight words written on the floor while playing the game of identifying the words. The children were also involved actively in building their rock towers, creating pictures in mud and connecting with nature by identifying the birds and hugging the trees. 

The mighty ones of Prep explored different elements of nature like plants, leaves, flowers, and trees. The children were excited and attentively involved while the leaf painting activity.

It was indeed a productive week full of excitement!

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