Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Edutainment Week

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Curiosity leads to learning, and fun-filled learning builds a great storehouse of knowledge. Knowledge leads to countless opportunities, and opportunities lead to fulfilment. To set a positive learning environment and give a kick start to the learning process the pre-primary section planned an edutainment week, to reinforce, build connections between concepts, and review and assess skills that children possess.

The cherubs showcased their competence while they participated in games and activities like Countify, Sortify Wifani, and Fun with Blocks.

The enthusiasts displayed their skills in Swar Tarang, Amazing Alphabets and Assemble and Sequence the shapes and also skillfully performed concept reinforcement activities like Skip counting through hopping, Bingo-Vocab Fun, Vilom Sathi and Varnamala ka Gyan etc.

Fruitful and productive week indeed!

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