Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Monthly Assembly

“Your words have immense power, slightly sweet, slightly sour.

More powerful than sticks or swords, is the power of incredible words.”

We at DPS believe that the children entrusted to us are like seeds that need the nourishment of values and education. It is easy to stand in the crowd, it takes courage to stand alone, as part of our continuous endeavor to achieve the development of our children, every month we aim for a few significant themed assemblies. 

With great power comes great responsibilities, with rights come duties. The new academic session began with a warm welcome in the form of an assembly on the theme of – Responsibilities of a Student’s Life conducted by class VII students. The day commenced with the morning prayer followed by the thought, news, a wonderfully recited poem on the theme, and a meticulous act depicting the admirations as a student.

To begin the day with positivity an assembly was conducted by grade VI aiming at the importance of Honesty. The children confidently presented the word, thoughts, News, and facts. To add more sense and spark to the assembly students performed a skit presenting different situations depicting the significance of being honest, and the audience thoroughly adored their performance. This assembly stressed Honesty and the rewards that life presents for possessing this value of life.

The assembly conducted by grade V aimed at the importance of 3 A’s – Acceptance, Adaptability & Attention in a student’s life.  A well-planned assembly on the above-mentioned theme was conducted by the students of class V. The assembly commenced with the school prayer, followed by sharing a new word to upgrade the vocabulary of the listeners, a beautiful thought for the day, Facts & News. A picture-perfect role play was presented sharing the information pertaining to Acceptance, Adaptability & Attention in a student’s life.

The students exhibited their camaraderie through mesmerizing and energetic performances. The assemblies imbibed a sense of brilliance and coordination around them in the busy month of April.

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