Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Christmas Activities

Christmas Décor- Art and Craft activities @DPS VAPI

The month of December brings a lot of warmth, hope and glad tidings. Celebrating Christmas is a special experience for children. Bringing these celebrations into the classroom makes learning more pleasurable and memorable. Taking some time away from the regular day-to-day school routine and commemorating the festivity through participation and creation is a magical thing.

The classes from pre-nursery to class II enjoyed participating in the well-planned ‘Design and craft’ activities on the theme ‘Christmas Décor’.

From the cutouts all around, to the sticking, folding and decorating, the fun was unlimited, cheered up more with sharing and caring moments, children rejoiced the spirit of Christmas. 

The little ones of pre-nursery class crafted masks and the little Santas enjoyed seeing each other with those Santa masks. The angels of the nursery class designed a Christmas greeting card, sending their innocent positive vibes through the hand-crafted cards. The cupids of prep class could not stop thinking of the gifts Santa would bless them with, while they decorated the stockings. The cherubs of class 1 designed refrigerator magnets based on the festive theme. This activity had the right blend of utility and creativity. The mightiest ones of class II decorated the wreath expressing their creativity and love for colours and décor materials.

All in all, it was a fascinating, incredible and awesome week full of energy and bustle while the dipsites with full zeal participated in all that was planned.

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