Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

International Literacy Day- Pre Primary Dept

‘Literacy is the most basic currency of the knowledge economy.’

Literacy is the competence and knowledge in a particular discipline. Educating students is developing competency and upgrading knowledge, thus fostering literacy. It is very rightly quoted, ‘The mind of the babies is like Tabula rasa, Blank slate open to, learning, opportunities and experiences. DPS Preprimary department celebrated International Literacy Day by conducting a range of activities to get the budding minds active and promote a sense of motivation for learning and achieving. The pauses taken and the fun scanning through the pages with the colourful characters initiated a sense of love for the books.

The students of Grade 1 were engaged in ‘Listen, Draw and Surprise’, a Tell and draw a tale. The ever lit energized cherubs could not stop feeling curious to reach the end of the story narrated by the teacher. The creative pieces of drawing created surprised them to see what they created in the course of listening to the story and sketching those nouns well. The students were then given choices of different props to come and create their own tales giving them an opportunity to open arenas for their imagination.

The super brainy faction of Grade 2 battled for their team while participating in the ‘Junior Quizomania’ The session charged up the brain cells while they experienced and performed 3 challenging rounds namely, Build your puzzle, let the Buzzer Buzzz, Mathoquest. The team Shimmer sparkle over the victory crowns. The students enjoyed creating their personalized bookmarks which will motivate students to initiate the habit of learning and for the ones who love reading it will be a sweet anchor to remind them to continue the reading journey after an apt ‘Book Pick’.

Indeed a productive event!

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