Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Visit to Organic Farm

A field trip can enrich children's learning experience and stimulate their curiosity. It can also help them develop social skills and foster a sense of community with their peers and teachers.

The cherubs of grade II visited an organic farm on April 17.04.2023. The expedition was an educational experience that enlightened the students about the various varieties of fruits, vegetables and flowering plants. It was explained to the students with absolute conviction that organic farming delivers the highest quality, best-tasting food, produced without artificial chemicals or genetic modification, and respects animal welfare and the environment. The caretaker of the farm greeted the children and elucidated the weather and water requirements of the variety of plants and crops. The explanation was classified into categories like flowering plants and vegetable and fruit-based plants. The concept of the scarecrow and its importance in the farm also was explained. The children got an opportunity to see, touch and feel the natural fertilizers and a variety of seeds used in the farm.The children saw farm animals like cows, buffaloes etc. The cow milking process was demonstrated to the children. The children enjoyed and relished the best farm fresh picked fruits.

The dipsites gained optimum knowledge and memorable experience during their visit to this organic farm.

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