Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Earth Week

"Go Green" 

The students of DPS Vapi observed the Earth Week which was purely dedicated to our bountiful Mother Nature, it was celebrated from Monday, 18th April 2022 to 23rd April 2022. People observe this day by planting trees, cleaning beaches, and conducting various activities in order to motivate others to adopt ways for sustainable living. The Pre-Primary students celebrated ‘The Earth Week’ by sowing seeds and reusing plastic through which they gave a significant message of restoring the GREEN status of our planet Earth. Some mindful and innovative ways to protect our Earth were discussed in the class. The teachers shared the significance of segregating waste through creative craftwork. This enhanced their understanding of the necessity of green and safe planet. The enthusiastic participation of the students incorporated awareness among them and by this, they also reminded each one of their duties towards our Environment.

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